Event Dates : Presented by CMSWire and Reworked

CONNECT Sponsorship – Landing

Unlock Opportunities: Explore Our Sponsors

CONNECT unites a unique blend of sponsors who are CX & EX game changers

Make CONNECTions

Meet with sponsors and gain valuable connections with key industry players. Explore potential business opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.

Exclusive Access

Gain exclusive access to the latest industry trends, innovations, and technologies by engaging in conversations with sponsors who are at the forefront of their respective fields.

Mutual Support

Sponsors may offer resources, such as mentorships, educational materials, or access to specialized tools, to help you succeed in your endeavors.

View all CX Providers


View all EX Providers


Interested in Sponsoring?

CONNECT gathers North America’s most advanced customer experience and employee experience practitioners.

NOTE: Sponsorships are limited. Please contact us immediately if you are interested in participating in the May 2024 event.